Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Visy Trip


  1. WOW! The Visy trip was The Definition of AWESOME! Looking good everyone!

  2. WOW! I loved the trip thanks Mrs.Morris!

  3. WOW!!!!! the Visy Trip was... AWESOME!!!!!!!! Thanks Mrs Morris!

  4. Meredith tried to answer all of our questions. She said that you should scrunch up tinfoil before putting it in the Recycle bin so that it won't get caught in the fan.

  5. I am missing you all. It would be so much fun if I were with you all for the Visy trip.Right now I am at a hotel in Alaska, I am having lots of fun I have met my cousins in San Francisco and they are with me now in Alaska and on the cruise trip from Whittier Port in Alaska to a port in Vancover which is in Canada.

    I hope you are having fun this term an liking Cross Country!
    Even I am doing Cross Coutry too, by crossing countries. Will share all about the trip when I come back.

    By Your Freind

  6. I had a great time at visy. Did you know that convoyer belts move the rubbish along .p

  7. Wow!There were a lot of rubbish, thank you to all the parents who came to help.

  8. It was a great trip... I learnt heaps. We have been recycling lots more at home. We are just trying to educate the men in our house to recycle more.
