Thursday, 19 September 2013

Grandparents Day

Thank you for coming to visit us at school today.  We enjoyed sharing our work
 with you.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Cross Country

Today, 7 September was our School Cross Country event.  Well done to all of Room 14 who tried their best.  Special Congratulations to:

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Painting with different materials

Today we had lots of fun applying paint with sponges, pieces of card, toothbrushes, straws and
 the wooden tip on a paintbrush.  Here are some of our results.

The Auckland Observatory

On Wednesday 4 September Rooms 14 and 18 hopped on to the bus and set off to The Stardome Observatory at the bottom of One Tree Hill.

Once we arrived there we met our teacher, Margaret (a Scottish lady),  in the foyer. She introduced herself and directed us into the theatre where we were going to watch a 3D movie called The Perfect Little Planet.

The robot who was the flight attendant showed the alien family around the solar system.  As they travelled from planet to planet we learnt about the gas giants, the rocky midgets and the dwarf planets.

After the movie, we had a tour in  our groups around the foyer area. We saw models of planets, telescopes, the black hole and other interactive activities.

Next we went into a classroom for the night and day session. Margaret used models of the earth the sun and the moon  to show us what happens.

Finally we went back to school on the bus after an interesting visit to the Stardome!